miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2016

El Gabinete de Sarro

“A dead mammal (i.e. cadaver) is a high quality resource (narrow carbon:nitrogen ratio, high water content) that releases an intense, localised pulse of carbon and nutrients into the soil upon decomposition. Despite the fact that as much as 5,000 kg of cadaver can be introduced to a square kilometre of terrestrial ecosystem each year, cadaver decomposition remains a neglected microsere”.
Carter D. O.; Yellowlees, D. & Tibbett, M. (2007, Naturwissenschaften )

Papel, los trazos finos y cuidados del bolígrafo y las aplicaciones complementarias de madera, corcho, cuerda y vidrio, son los recursos con los que el joven artista mexicano, Cristóbal Sarro, elabora cada uno de estos minimalistas y delicados trabajos. 
Como si se tratara de un aprendiz de taxonomía animal Linneana o de un ilustrador de volúmenes literarios inspirado por Gustave Doré que dedica horas de insomnio a materializar los pedidos de algún coleccionista compulsivo; Sarro nos presenta en este conjunto de dibujos, algunos de sus intereses y obsesiones como creador: Los procesos bio-químicos que sufren los cadáveres de distintas especies en una cadena de regulación con el resto del medio ambiente, capturados en todo su esplendor y dinamismo, barcos que encallan al borde de un mar sin principio ni fin y que son a su manera otra suerte de occisos oxidándose e integrándose con la arena, el registro preciso y detallado de especímenes vivos cuya textura y fisionomía se representa aprovechando las posibilidades del contraste entre los colores neutros, el difuminado y el uso de las sombras.

Experimentar este pequeño, pero sustancioso, mosaico de piezas, se parece bastante a visitar un gabinete de curiosidades, observamos cada dibujo como si se tratara de un objeto raro y fascinante al que viéramos por primera vez; al finalizar esta belleza oscura y particular, en la que muerte y vida se retro-alimentan, nos deja un regusto a melancolía, a evocación de un tiempo distante que ya no nos pertenece , un efecto que este novel talento, originario de la ciudad de Puebla, recupera valiéndose prácticamente de su imaginación y de su pulso, un ejercicio loable en tiempos como los nuestros, en los que proliferan las herramientas, las plantillas pre-diseñadas y los artificios digitales.

Herbert Neutra
Mrto. en Estética y Arte

jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

Landscapes: The Quark and the Jaguar


In honor to the beauty and interesting diversity of life, “Bombolo” a colombian organization did a collective photography exhibition convocatory in January 2016. The convocatory called for perspectives about five different concepts: microcosm, macrocosm, biodiversity, community within their environment and natural resources. These are elements that are building the “Landscapes” we see daily.

As a result, thirteen photographers between professionals and art-lovers, showed their perspective in an itinerant exposition called "Lanscapes: The quark and the jaguar". Inaugurated in May 28th, the exposition is currently carrying emotions and experience of organic and physics nature to different places in Tenjo and soon in Bogota, Tabio and other places in the center of Colombia.

Frog of the platanares Hypsiboas crepitans. By Nicolás Giraldo
(In exhibition)
More than forty images are showing sunrises and sunsets, lizards, frogs, hummingbirds with amazing colors, flowers, insects, aerial photographs, mosaics, dead trees and of course rivers, people and plastic waste.

We used “Landscapes” as the name of the exposition because is showing the addition of millions of elements iside a territory. Landscapes are a representation of complexity in nature, because those elements, including humanity, are more than the adition of its parts, they are in relation to each other; actually the concept of Landscape is the last and biggest category within the biosphere in materia hierarchy.  

We want to generate spaces to debate about our position in these networks. The state of natural resources is a consequence of the kind of correspondence we are generating with other linkages. Therefore during June 2016, weekly forums and workshops joined the exhibition. Experts on different topics shared their knowledge and used different languages of art and science; for instance, nature illustration, bioremediation, medical botanic, forums with organic farmers and workshops on nature photography, were some of the topics treated.  We hope that this events create divergent perspectives in the public, about our relationship with daily elements like forests, waterpots, food, cells, etc.  

Inauguration event May 28th 2016.
Talking about future of seeds with José Ismael Manco
Plastic artist and potatoes farmer. 
Forum with Project Tierra Verde
Organic farmers talking about inmaterial heritage
in agriculture. 

Bombolo is working for environmental education and tourism, its name is a farmers name for “Lulo”, a regional common fruit. This exposition is our first work to increase the knowledge about natural richness, and promote “Tenjo” and other places as cultural destinies. To see more information about us follow www.bombolo.bio

The exposition was financed by “Auros ®” a local printing office that offered us 14 meters of their “digital textile”. With this material we had better resolution of the images and better color quality. Other partners made possible the inauguration, workshops, publicity and audiovisual records. Acknowledgement is for Tenjo's culture house, grupo Animales, Buen Ojo productora, Preparados Herbáceos, Tatofilms, Bio-tienda Jikama, among others.


Macro-explosión. By Mario Pedraza
(In exhibition)
Protons, neutrons, quarks, and other particles that are conforming atoms, are also participating in complex inter-relations through different dimensions. These closed relationships build all the electrochemical networks of the material world and therefore tissues of all forms of life in our planet. This kind of relationships are making changes where the systems are adaptive. Changes represented in big processes like evolution from a biologic perspective, or from a politic view, our socio-economic historical changes.

Murray Gell-Man, winner of physics novel prize in 1969 for discovering quantum dynamics in elemental particles, considers Jaguars and all organisms of our planet as a result of adaptive particles that evolved together, answering to the physics laws of our universe. Gell-Man inspired by Arthur Sze, a poet from New york, named his masterpiece about simplicity and complexity in nature “The quark and the jaguar”. Sze in his work speaks about relationships between “the leaves of your dreams, and the leaves of an onion; the cactus in the window and the map of the world; and the world of the quark and a jaguar stalking in the jungle”. See it on Arthur's poetry

Serie "Jardines accidentales"
Un árbol caído en el cerro de Guadalupe.
By David Guarnizo (In exhibition)
Consequently, as all in nature has potential to make a relation, they inspired us because Jaguars are one of the biggest cats of America that are currently in danger, just like cougars, tigrillos and bobcats. We think that quarks and jaguars, could be two extreme and beautiful expressions of complexity in nature, and give us the science and art ideology we want to express. Actually ¡We loved that name! because people do not know what is a quark, they often do not even know how to spell it. Quarks are one of the elemental particles that conform protons and neutrons. There are others fermions, like leptons, characterized by their turning speed, very closed to the speed of light. They are part of every chemical element in the universe, they are always in groups and because they are within black matter, they are evidence of the divisible property in atoms and their apparent infinity.    

Clorofila de Encino (Quercus laeta)
Michoacán de Ocampo México.
By Mariaclara López
(In exhibition)
Here we wanted to show divergent lens perspectives. Captures of that “nature” concepts that remains inside of every human being. The exhibition itself is right now a new “Landscape” of different views. We now know, quarks that are recreating the printed pictures, are interacting each other to create new perspectives of a previously unknown environment inside of others...as leaves of onions. With this exhibition, Photography is being tested as a common language between art, science and empirical knowledge to recreate ecological concepts. From our principal purpose we hope this could be a contribution to conservation of natural resources and biodiversity.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2016

Found Object #1

"For all animals, ourselves included, a condition of life is an active engagement with the world. And in that engagement, the world is no longer 'nature' but an environment. A human environment is constituted in relation to the people whose environment it is, on and through their activities; it is -in that sense- essentially historical.

Only when people cease to participate, adopting a stance of contemplative detachment, does the environment revert to 'nature', a physical world of objects confronting the isolated human subject. 

Although humans are capable of adopting such a stance from time to time, no-one can permanently live like that." Tim Ingold, 1993 

This plastic piece was found in Powell River's beach 49°47'51.5"N 124°.30'03.8"W — 05•19•2016

by Sandra López

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.